Filming for ITV’s Vera

Preparations and filming for  for a forthcoming episode of ITV’s ‘Vera’ will commence at the Community Hall on Tuesday 6th July and will finish on 20th July. Actual filming will take place on Wednesday 14th July and Thursday 15th July. There may be some disruption around the Hall with their large technical and transport vehicles, so please be patient if there is any minor inconvenience. I am sure it will all be worth it when we see our wonderful village on the screen.

From the production team.

“Firstly, thank you for working with us at ITV (Vera) to accommodate filming at Newton & Bywell Community Hall. We are currently filming the 11th series of Vera in the North East, and we are hoping that the hall will be featured in Episode 5 as a ‘Medical Centre’. 

During their time at Newton & Bywell Community Hall, the production team would like exclusivity of the building to prepare, film and de rig. This is very important from a health and safety perspective and to keep everybody Covid safe. 

We will be limited to how many cast and crew will be allowed to enter the building due to social distancing measures and ITV Covid protocols, therefore if we could politely ask for visitors to only use the marquee, and not to access the Hall whilst we are present. 

During the two filming days, we would require all of the car park to accommodate our technical and transport vehicles. I am aware the Marquee will still be in situ and taking up some car parking space. 

I would like to assure you that the ITV Vera filming crew are a very respectful and conscientious team and will always endeavour to treat a film location with the most upmost respect, although should a rare accidental problem occur, as a production we would be happy to repair or put right. 

Lastly, we are very much looking forward to working with you and featuring Newton & Bywell Community Hall in our episode. It is a fantastic building with lots of character and we are very excited to see the Hall on the big screen.”